Saturday, December 17, 2011

tons of other baby foods

Sweet Potatoes
       -2 large Sweet Potatoes
       -1/4 cup water
*Wash and peel sweet potatoes.  Simmer in boiling water (stir occasionally) approximately 20 minutes, or until potatoes are soft and fall apart when poked with a fork.
*Drain and add to baby bullet along with 1/4 cup of water.  Puree using the Baby Blend Blade.  
*Test the consistency of the sweet potatoes - if you'd like it thinner, add more water.
*Once consistency is achieved, pour into storage cups or ice cube trays to refrigerate or freeze as desired.  (Sweet Potatoes keep in the fridge for 3 days, and are best used within 30 days of freezing.)

 He's excited about this dinner of rice cereal, peas, and sweet potatoes...

 ...but this look shows what he really thinks about the combination!

       -Several fresh apples (using organic apples are always best!)
*Wash and peel apples if desired.  (Peels blend up very well in the Baby Bullet and will not cause choking - leaving peels on turns the applesauce red or green depending on the color of the skin versus the yellow creamy color of peeled apples.  I suggest introducing peeled apples to your baby first, and then trying a batch with the skins left on.)
*Simmer in boiling water (stir occasionally) approximately 15 minutes, or until apples are soft and fall apart when poked with a fork.
*Drain and add to baby bullet - apples contain their own juice so adding water is not necessary, but will make the sauce thinner.  (If adding water, I suggest adding the water you boiled the apples in as it contains the flavor of the apples.)  Puree using the Baby Blend Blade.
*Test the consistency of the apples - if you'd like it thinner, add more water.
*Once consistency is achieved, pour into storage cups or ice cube trays to refrigerate or freeze as desired.  (Apples keep in the fridge for up to 3 days, but may brown if not eaten right away.  Apples are best used within 30 days of freezing and if thawed and eaten immediately, browning will be avoided.)

Somebody is excited about applesauce!

       -Fresh, ripe, organic pears (red, green, yellow - even a combo of them all!)
       -1/4 cup water
*Wash and peel sweet pears.  
*Add to baby bullet along with 1/4 cup of water.  (Make sure your pears are ripe and very soft or the puree process will be difficult.  If you purchased hard pears, either allow to ripen at room temperature a day or so as this will cause the pear to soften or steam your pears in boiling water until soft.)  Puree using the Baby Blend Blade.  
*Test the consistency of the pears - if you'd like it thinner, add more water.
*Once consistency is achieved, pour into storage cups or ice cube trays to refrigerate or freeze as desired.  (Pears keep in the fridge for 3 days, and are best used within 30 days of freezing.)

pears ready to be pureed 

       -1 bag organic baby carrots (or other carrots washed and peeled)
       -1/4 cup water
*Simmer carrots in boiling water (stir occasionally) approximately 20 minutes, or until carrots are soft and fall apart when poked with a fork.
*Drain and add to baby bullet along with 1/4 cup of water.  Puree using the Baby Blend Blade.
*Test the consistency of the carrots - if you'd like it thinner, add more water.
*Once consistency is achieved, pour into storage cups or ice cube trays to refrigerate or freeze as desired.  (Carrots keep in the fridge for 3 days, and are best used within 30 days of freezing.)

 this ice cube tray is full of pears and carrots, ready to be wrapped and frozen!

       -1 bag frozen broccoli (or fresh organic broccoli)
       -1/4 cup water
*Steam or Simmer in boiling water until cooked thoroughly.  
*Drain and add to baby bullet along with 1/4 cup of water.  Puree using the Baby Blend Blade.  
*Test the consistency of the broccoli - if you'd like it thinner, add more water.
*Once consistency is achieved, pour into storage cups or ice cube trays to refrigerate or freeze as desired.  (Broccoli keeps in the fridge for 3 days, and is best used within 30 days of freezing.)
              *Broccoli is an excellent puree to add to rice cereal*

 a tray full of broccoli

 look at those sweet little green fingers!
somebody ate all of his broccoli!

not sure what he's chowing, but this kid loves his vegetables and he loves to eat!

*I freeze my cubes of baby food in ice cube trays wrapped with plastic wrap.  I then transfer to gallon sized freezer bags when frozen in order to use my trays to make more baby food in advance.  To serve I pop cubes into bowls the night before in fridge so they thaw, then I minimally heat in the microwave prior to serving.*

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