Monday, October 17, 2011

baby's first foods

I am a huge fan of the Baby Bullet.
It was probably the most useful baby gift I was given for Asa!
If you don't have one, seriously check it out and consider getting one.  

When we first introduced formula to Asa, we really struggled with a finding a brand that wouldn't cause a rash.  When I began to introduce rice cereal, every box and brand I tried again gave him a rash.  I started reading box ingredients to see if there was one that would stand out to me as the rash-causer, and I was shocked at all of the un-natural ingredients included in baby cereals.  No offense, Gerber, but reading all the labels made me wonder why the ingredients couldn't just be "rice and water".  Right around that time I was given a Baby Bullet and decided to start experimenting making my own natural, organic baby food.  The first thing I made was "rice cereal" - and literally, that's all it was.  Rice and water.  Surprisingly (or maybe not surprisingly), Asa loved it and no rashes occurred!  I was elated.  And so excited about this new homemade baby food that I decided I would make all of Asa's baby food naturally and not purchase any jar food - ever.  And so, that's exactly what I did.  

On this blog I will record baby foods I made and introduced to Asa - to remember for babies to come, and hopefully to encourage others to make your own baby food.  It's very easy and fun and seriously saved us some major dollars on store-bought baby foods!

Here are some of our firsts... 

Brown Rice Cereal
       -1/4 cup rice
       -1 3/4 cup water
*Add rice to the short cup and using the milling blade, mill to a fine powder.
*Add milled rice and water to a pot and cover until it boils.  Stir occasionally so that the rice doesn't clump or stick to the bottom of the pan.  Once it boils, turn heat to low and cook covered for 20 minutes.
*Pour into a bowl and whisk until smooth.  Test the consistency of the rice cereal - if you'd like it thinner, add more water.
*Once consistency is achieved, pour into storage cups or ice cube trays to refrigerate or freeze as desired.  (Rice cereal keeps in the fridge for 3 days, and is best used within 30 days of freezing.)
*Note - This is a great cereal to combine with any fruit or vegetable puree. 

Above: Two trays for the freezer ready to be wrapped in plastic wrap - peas and rice - and a batch tray for the fridge to be consumed within 3 days.  I freeze my cubes then transfer to gallon sized freezer bags in order to make more baby food in advance.  To serve I pop cubes into bowls the night before in fridge so they thaw, then I minimally heat in the microwave prior to serving.

Peas Baby Food (One of Asa's favorites!)
       -1 cup steamed frozen or steamed fresh peas
       -1/4 cup of water
*Add both ingredients to the Short Cup and using the Baby Blend Blade puree until you've achieved the proper smoothness.  (The longer you blend, the smoother the peas become.) 
*Add less water for thicker baby food and more water for a thinner puree.
*Once consistency is achieved, pour into storage cups or ice cube trays to refrigerate or freeze as desired.  (Peas keep in the fridge for 3 days, and are best used within 30 days of freezing.)


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